Cool headboard ideas can completely transform your bedroom into new stage. Before you believe what I told to you, check for yourself about these ideas. As you guys are probably aware, headboards are available in a variety of sizes and fabrics on the market. You can choose simple ready-made one to match your bed from market, or you can improvise and come up with a headboard that takes the originality level in your bedroom. For example, when you have many books and want to store them near your bed, create your very knowledgeable headboards, and you can open up the books and post them on the wall, for easy access to any famous quote if you want. Something like mirrors, wallpapers, old wooden panels, an aquarium and even skis, if this used for designing your perfect headboard, there are no limitations. But, if your sleep partner is not all that much into extravagant bedroom features, you guys may need to have a chat first. Get inspired and i know you can make headboards more cool than this.
Three Dimensional Fabric Headboard
Recycled Object Headboards
Furniture as Headboard Ideas
Area Rug as a Headboard
Converted Room Divider as a Headboard
Fabric Headboards
A Work of Art as Headboard
An Artsy Collage Headboard
A Pillow Headboard